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Our Indirect Partner Model built on 15 years of success working within Indirect Channel Partner Sales. Our Indirect Partner model is traditional in the sense that we bill you and you bill your client, you respond to customer faults and we provide 2nd Line Support.
We provide our partners with the best of breed networks in the UK and Europe. We operate at the carrier level and have strategic relationships with carriers across the UK and Europe for different purposes. We connected to all the major connectivity carriers for access circuits and provide our own managed CPE and networking equipment to deliver our solutions. Our supplier chain is extensive but includes carriers like BT OpenReach, Vodafone, SSE, Talk Talk and Easynet.
Our products and services include;
We provide our own Technical Support service that is available 8.45am to 5pm daily and out of hours support that covers the evenings and weekends through our answering message service. We are fully transparent, we provide our clients with updates whether there is actually an update or not.
We also share our knowledge with our partners to help them win business. This support can be provided by accompanying our clients in meetings to provide carrier support or it can be over conference calls wearing their own hat. We are very flexible, we aim to help our clients win business as much as we can by supporting them through the sales process. We help our clients to write proposals, tender for new clients and refer them business where appropriate.
If we tell you we will call you back, we will call you back! We provide our partners with excellent communication through Email, Phone and Video with more recently our Social Media presence. Some of our services include contact via text and MS Lync but we aim to deliver either good news or bad news consistently. Our directors have worked in the Channel Space for 15 years and we know how important it is to keep your channel client base up-to date with orders and faults. Our automated portals provide updates on orders, faults and billing.
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No1 Spinning Fields, 1 Hardman Square, Manchester, M3 3JE