0843 Revenue Share


What is 0843 Revenue Share?

When you make a phone call, that call needs to be paid for by someone or something.

In most cases this call will be billed to your landline or mobile or the bill payer. The call could be included in your free minutes that you may receive from your mobile phone or landline contract. In other cases, if it falls outside your minute bundle then you will be charged a pence per minute value.

For 0843 type numbers that are used by thousands of businesses across the country, the caller will pay a pence per minute value depending on what they are calling from (landline, mobile, voip service etc) and the number provider (the business you are calling) will receive in most cases a share of what you pay in your phone bill. Within the IT industry this is known as Telephony Revenue Share / Callshare / Kickback or Commission.


What We provide

At Cloud & Fibre we provide clients with non-geographic numbers that fall into the 0843 range. These numbers are set by us to be charged out at 7p per minute. They used to be 5p per minute but recent changes from June 1015 by Ofcom meant that these were increased to 7p per minute. Depending on where you are calling from, (mobile, Voip Service, Landline etc) the 7p per minute doesn’t include the access charge. The access charge is determined by the users telephony provider. We have no control over the access charge but it can be over 50p per minute from some providers.

The revenue share depends on the total number of minutes generated on a monthly basis. Our share ranges from 1p to 3.5p per minute depending on volume.

As an example:

If you receive 100 calls per day and each call has an average call time of 10 minutes, that would generate 1000 minutes per day.

30,000 per month X 1p = £300


 User Interface

We provide our clients with an online provisioning and number platform which gives you access to full reporting and real time data of all the numbers you have on account.

Within the online portal you are able to:


Ofcom Information

We only provide 08435 numbers for revenue share that are set at 7p per minute. The access charge is set by your phone provider. Visit the Ofcom website for further information on the call charges and access charges – www.ofcom.org.uk

Book an On-Line Demonstration

The best way to find out more information on our service and the revenue share you can receive is to book an online demo. Our demonstration will take no longer than 10 minutes for you to understand the features and benefits of the service.

Contact us on 08435 043 043 to find out more about 0843 revenue share.